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 | Afroditi Near the garden, this spacious and air-conditioned room features a TV and a mini fridge. It comes with a hairdryer and free toiletries. Free WiFi is provided.
Ôï åõñý÷ùñï áõôü äùìÜôéï Ý÷åé Üìåóç ðñüóâáóç óôïí êÞðï êáé äéáèÝôåé êëéìáôéóìü, TV, äùñåÜí ðñüóâáóç óôï internet, óôåãíùôÞñá ìáëëéþí êáé åßäç ðåñéðïßçóçò. |
4 |
10,076 |
13.06.14 13:15 | |
 | Artemis This spacious air-conditioned suite comes with free WiFi access. It has 2 double bedrooms, a sitting and dining area. The luxuriïus private bathroom provides hairdryer and free toiletries.
ÁõôÞ ç åõñý÷ùñç êëéìáôéæüìåíç óïõßôá äéáèÝôåé äýï õðíïäùìÜôéá, Ýíá êáèéóôéêü êáé ôñáðåæáñßá. ÁíÜìåóá óôéò ðáñï÷Ýò ôçò åßíáé ç åëåý ... |
9 |
21,687 |
13.06.14 13:40 | |
 | Athina Opening to the garden this spacious air-conditioned room features a private bathroom. It comes with a TV, free WiFi,hairdryer and free toiletries.
Ôï åõñý÷ùñï áõôü äùìÜôéï âñßóêåôáé ðÜíù óôïí êÞðï êáé äéáèÝôåé êëéìáôéóìü, TV, äùñåÜí ðñüóâáóç óôï internet, óôåãíùôÞñá ìáëëéþí êáé åßäç ðåñéðïßçóçò. |
4 |
9,982 |
13.06.14 13:15 | |
 | Ira Near the garden, this spacious air-conditioned room features a balcony, a TV and a mini fridge. It comes with a hairdryer and free toiletries. Free WiFi is provided.
Áõôü ôï êëéìáôéæüìåíï äùìÜôéï äéáèÝôåé ìðáëêüíé ðïõ ÷áñßæåé èÝá óôïí êÞðï. Óôï ðïëõôåëÝò ìðÜíéï ôïõ èá âñåßôå óôåãíùôÞñá ìáëëéþí êáé äùñåÜí åßäç ... |
5 |
10,833 |
13.06.14 13:20 | |
 | Posidon Overlooking the sea and the garden, this air - conditioned suite features one double bedroom, a bedroom with two separate beds and a private bathroom. It comes with a TV, free WiFi, hairdryer and free toiletries.
Ìå èÝá ôçí èÜëáóóá êáé ôïí êÞðï, áõôÞ ç êëéìáôéæüìåíç óïõßôá äéáèÝôåé ìéá äéðëÞ êñåâáôïêÜìáñá êáé Ýíá äùìÜôéï ìå äýï êñ ... |
4 |
8,178 |
13.06.14 13:15 | |
 | Zeus Opening to a garden and sea-view balcony, this air-conditioned suite features one double bedroom, a luxurious bathroom and a sitting room. It comes with a TV, free WiFi, hairdryer and free toiletries.
ÁõôÞ ç êëéìáôéæüìåíç óïõßôá äéáèÝôåé ìðáëêüíé ðïõ ÷áñßæåé èÝá óôïí êÞðï êáé óôçí èÜëáóóá, ìéá äéðëÞ êñåâáôïêÜìáñá, Ýíá êáèéó ... |
8 |
17,131 |
13.06.14 00:35 | |